Do the WB Comments Get Moderated?
Published on September 30, 2005 By Damilee In WinCustomize Site Issues
Here is the link: Seems that there is an issue at hand about the validity of a certain skin...Has this been looked into?
Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 30, 2005
Its not the only skin that needs attention.
on Sep 30, 2005
Aha...poor Kol
on Sep 30, 2005

Ah but do you see the dilemma? If skin A is a pixel for pixel copy of Vista, how can the author then claim skin B is a rip of skin A when skin B could just as easily be another pixel for pixel copy of Vista?

[moderator hat off] Personally, I think they are all rips (including the alleged 'originals') and should be trashed [moderator hat on]

The situation requires further investigation. People, in the mean time, should refrain from leaving comments on skins which they may later regret

on Sep 30, 2005
Hey, like I said, I was just wondering and noticing...not so much on the one that Night Train pointed out, but on the Vista, the author has never submitted one original thing, ever. He suddenly comes up with these hidden talents on a skin that is extremely hard to make from what I hear.
I Don't Get It
on Sep 30, 2005

I don't think OS skins are rips.  I think they probably violate someone's tradedress rights and if a company were to ask us to remove them (and ask the other sites to remove them) then we would.  But I don't look at them as rips.

OS skins are one of the most common reasons people skin their PC.

on Sep 30, 2005
A quote from Kol's statement at Neowin concerning the link in Night Train's post above.

You can import other Longhorn themes and you'll notice a difference in images size, style etc. This one is identical. And the shellstyle use the same images too even the same opacity. The search and movie icons are created by me because when I extracted the image from Longhorn I didnt find any high quality image for Search and Movies.

I think Kol has without question proven his case on this. This one goes way beyond simply mimicking an OS skin and should be pulled.
on Sep 30, 2005
I'm currently unable to access these works 'correctly' to deal....
on Sep 30, 2005
What's the problems Jafo?
on Sep 30, 2005

this sounds rare...
on Sep 30, 2005

Minor coding glitch....quite selective, really....

Probably reads as "just take the weekend off, earned it"....

on Sep 30, 2005
Hehe, sounds like a plan!
on Sep 30, 2005
Weekend?....WEEKEND?....What's a weekend?
on Sep 30, 2005
sorry, what?!?
on Sep 30, 2005
There's a bug in the moderation stuff right now. And our coders are out for the weekend.
on Sep 30, 2005
I don't think OS skins are rips.

They are rips. They have always been rips. The only reason they've been allowed is because it sells Object Desktop for Stardock. But it's not like Microsoft doesn't know about you guys so if they don't care why should anyone else. But they are rips. They are unauthorized ports of a skin. Which is what the definition of a rip is.

I think they probably violate someone's tradedress rights and if a company were to ask us to remove them (and ask the other sites to remove them) then we would.

The first sentence you say they aren't rips and then right after you admit they are probably copyright violations. I think that's referred to as "talking out of both sides of your mouth". I can't remember the saying but you get the gist of it.
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