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Trouble Over in the WB Section
Do the WB Comments Get Moderated?
Published on September 30, 2005 By
WinCustomize Site Issues
Here is the link: https://www.wincustomize.com/ViewSkin.aspx?SID=1&SkinID=5314&LibID=1&comments=1 Seems that there is an issue at hand about the validity of a certain skin...Has this been looked into?
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Comments (Page 2)
3 Pages
on Sep 30, 2005
Hey, there's been another rip report https://www.wincustomize.com/ViewSkin.aspx?SID=1&SkinID=5330&LibID=1&comments=1 could use some looking into as well
on Sep 30, 2005
on Sep 30, 2005
Where's the Whine moderator when I need him?
on Sep 30, 2005
I don't think OS skins are rips.
They are rips. They have always been rips. The only reason they've been allowed is because it sells Object Desktop for Stardock. But it's not like Microsoft doesn't know about you guys so if they don't care why should anyone else. But they are rips. They are unauthorized ports of a skin. Which is what the definition of a rip is.
I think they probably violate someone's tradedress rights and if a company were to ask us to remove them (and ask the other sites to remove them) then we would.
The first sentence you say they aren't rips and then right after you admit they are probably copyright violations. I think that's referred to as "talking out of both sides of your mouth". I can't remember the saying but you get the gist of it.
What you say isn't exactly true. While Stardock makes money from doing things like Luna on pre-XP and Vista effects, I think where he's coming from is a bit of motivated self-interest.
What sells WB to me are the skinners. Lets face it, you wouldn't buy WB to plaster your desktop with some lame msstyle port or a really crappy WB, would you? No. You wanna put a fine skin made by a skinner ( or if you have sufficent skill , make one yourself ) . And the respected skinnners on here like Kol help make that happen. It's perfectly understandable that Brad wants to protect them.
on Sep 30, 2005
on Sep 30, 2005
on Sep 30, 2005
Nadie espera la Inquisición española
on Sep 30, 2005
If you were the skinner, would you want your accuser to go through WC channels, or just to post that your skin is a rip?
One of the people accused of ripping is in the Skinning Contest. If the accusers are incorrect, that person's chance of winning the contest has been destroyed. WC has some other means of dealing with the issue without vigilante action. By making public accusations on the site, the skinners reputation has been damaged permanently, whether it's a rip or not. As this thread shows, everybody knows what a rip is, but there is much disagreement on the details. On the WC site, WC should make the decision, working through channels in a timely manner so rips don't stay up long.
on Oct 01, 2005
he rip it and that is all!!!
on Oct 01, 2005
On the WC site, WC should make the decision
And that is all that is really pertinent, as far as rips staying or not.
Come on people, we've had lengthy discussions on this issue many times.
If you think there is a rip. email a mod. It will be looked into. If it is not a rip, the work will likely stay. If it is a rip, it may stay if it is an acceptable rip (I know that sounds like an oxymoron, but some rips are acceptable here). If it is not an acceptable rip, it will likely be removed.
End of story.
on Oct 01, 2005
Why is it, everytime there might be a rip, they head straight to the forums and think that it will be corrected in a matter of moments?
Next time, instead of publicly bashing someone, you go through the proper channels first. Which is emailing an Admin.
If you're right, it will be dealt with. If you're wrong, who does it hurt? Not you, but the one accused.
on Oct 01, 2005
Hm, excuse me for pissing anyone off!!! Like I said I was just noticing and didn't know there was a procedure or chain of command anywhere in the building. I haven't approached this in a mean or cruel way, I just was wondering what was happening. You can put your claws back in now.
Fuzzy Logic
on Oct 01, 2005
Re #16 This skin has been dealt with, thanks for bringing it to our attention.
Black Xero
on Oct 01, 2005
My all sympethies are with Kol. Please edit / del my comment on NSOrg's theme if possible ... Never wished and will never wish to support a ripper ... !!!!!
Which is emailing an Admin.
If you're right, it will be dealt with.
You can always contact the person who has posted comment # 7 and 10 ... my personal experience ....
on Oct 01, 2005
Thanks, I'll do that
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